Love, Laughter, and Life

Adventures With a Book Lover


Haiku Moment: garden gift

summer garden gift

hens, chicks, offspring given by

grandma who is missed

garden gift

photo by Angie Quantrell

Yakima Valley

descendants of hen and chicks from Grandma Wheetley

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Haiku Moment: goodnight wish

sun sends goodnight wish

illuminating hearts of

plethora at rest

goodnight wish by Angie Quantrell

photo by Angie Quantrell

Yakima Valley


Another Successful Weekend of Rubber Stamping!

I LOVE creating rubber stamped greeting cards! Some of you know this, but for others, NEWS FLASH! (insert smile emoji)

Over the long weekend, I went to my partner-in-creativity’s home and we got busy making a mess (required), dug out all the stuff (also necessary), and bounced ideas off of each other (foundational for great ideas) as we stamped, whacked the papers, embossed card stock, assembled, cut, glued, taped, tied, and generally produced beauty from chaos. That’s my kind of relaxation.

Let’s have a greeting card show and tell. Or at least show.

Which is your favorite? What kind of cards do you like to send? Or do you enjoy a different hobby?

We also managed to squeeze in two times of pickleball (my first time playing, and now I’m scheming to see how I can play where I live) and made beginning plans for a trip later this year. Besides the great food, long walks, playing with the kitties, and catching up on life, I’d say it was a good getaway. Plus. 85 cards!!! (I can’t resist counting how many I make.)

Thanks for the wonderful weekend, roomie!