Love, Laughter, and Life

Adventures With a Book Lover


Haiku Moment: life spark

seven years it took

from walnut to parent tree

life spark so divine

life spark by Angie Quantrell

photo and art by Angie Quantrell

Yakima Valley

Seven and a half years ago, my husband found this walnut (seen in sketch) wedged in a small flower bed at work. Whether accidentally dropped or carried and deposited by an animal, the walnut had that spark of life and sprouted right where it could never survive due to the rest of the surroundings. So he brought me home a baby tree. A BABY baby tree. I was holding a baby tree in my hand, one that would possibly outgrow me if it survived, grow to both amazing heights and depths, and produce hundreds if not thousands of new offspring.

This year, year seven, my husband found a walnut near a fruit tree as he raked leaves to put on the garden beds. Hmmm. And then he realized the connection between the nearby walnut tree and the walnut. He found a total of three, though we’ve been watching every year to see if “this” was the year of harvesting walnuts. We nearly missed it! There could have been more, but we have an active wildlife scene going on here in the pasture.

Each walnut is filled with potential, and the spark of life given from God, to grow, reproduce, and fulfill its purpose. We are the beneficiaries. Shade, leaves, wood, food, beauty.

Life spark.

Our baby walnut tree, which is indeed taller than me, is resting for the winter so it can grow more babies. Meanwhile, it adds a festive touch to the pasture as it wears Christmas lights.