Love, Laughter, and Life

Adventures With a Book Lover

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Accidental Science Experiment: Fire Warning!

I grew up reading those cartoons and comics that featured characters shining a magnifying glass on something on the ground with the sun shining through the glass. A fire always occurred! 🔥At the least, SOMETHING felt the heat.

Well. The grand and I left this tripod magnifying glass in the shade on my wooden potting bench. Wouldn’t you know, I walked by later with the laundry basket and smelled smoke. What??!!! Sure enough, the shade was gone and the sunshine glared brightly through the glass, burning my bench!!! Eek! Note to self: Keep magnifying glass shut up in the shady TARDIS (my tool hut).

And just look what showed up a few days later in my honey’s The Far Side Gary Larson Desk Calendar! Hahahahaha

Be careful out there people!