Love, Laughter, and Life

Adventures With a Book Lover


Fancy Fish Dish: Turmeric-Dill Fish Tacos for the Win!

Patting myself on the back here. I found a recipe in a magazine and had nearly ALL of the ingredients on hand! Now that right there is amazing. But also, fresh frozen halibut from a fisher friend, dill growing in the garden, and ginger in the freezer.

We’ve had several good experiences with fish tacos. But I am a careful sort of cook with fish.

And. Ta-dah! This recipe works great! It wasn’t too hard, didn’t have too many steps, and nothing weird or difficult to find at the store.

Success was confirmed by my own taste buds, plus my honey loved them, and leftovers (how long can you keep fish taco leftovers anyway?) were devoured and seconds requested by Jamie and Donavyn next door.

After cleanup, and several photos, because yes, I am one of those people who take pictures of their food, I dug out the magazine. Two stars for me!! This recipe came from Bon Appetit. What?!!! The prep was pretty simple and the taste delish.

It’s a keeper. Anyone else have any fresh caught or frozen halibut?