Love, Laughter, and Life

Adventures With a Book Lover

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Book Share: Something Wild by Molly Ruttan

Something Wild

by Molly Ruttan

Nancy Paulsen Books, 2023

I have something in common with this lovely picture book by Molly Ruttan. Stage fright!

Thank you, Molly Ruttan, for sending me a copy of your delightful picture book. And thank you, Kathy Temean, for introducing me to Molly and her work. What a great picture book!

Something Wild is the story of a young violin player who loves playing her violin. But she is nervous about her upcoming recital. She desperately wishes for something wild to happen so she won’t have to go. But it doesn’t. She hopes again, but nope, nothing wild. Again. Nothing. When it’s finally her turn to play on the big stage, something does happen! But you’ll have to read the book to find out. Beautiful!

What I Love About This Book:

~ beautiful, emotion-filled illustrations

~ imagination

~ the theme of stage fright

~ the love of playing a musical instrument

~ the common challenge many young performers face when they prepare to share what they’ve learned at a recital

~ overall wonderful book

Thank you, Molly! Best wishes on your future projects!