Love, Laughter, and Life

Adventures With a Book Lover


Happy Mother’s Day!

This is my mama Bonnie holding me when I was 5 weeks old. My mama and me, we go way back.

If you share about moms and how hard they work, my mama did all that. Six of us to care for on a regular basis (plus the extras who showed up), in addition to an always odd and crowded collection of pets, animals, and plants. Canning, sewing, crocheting, cleaning, cooking, shopping; repeat. But also loving, guiding, correcting, teaching, caring (and dare I say, on occasion, threatening us with “you better behave or else,” we were afraid of the “or else”).

Sending Mother’s Day wishes, hugs, and love to everyone who has a mother. (I hope you all raised your hands.) And to all the moms who have children, have lost children, who have children going through tough times, who have furry children, who have grandchildren-all the loves to you!

“I thank my God every time I remember you.” -Philippians 1:3 NIV

My mama and me.

Kevin and his mama Carole. My mom too!