Love, Laughter, and Life

Adventures With a Book Lover


Don’t Be a Stuffed Shirt (and a Giveaway)


Do you love giving back or helping someone less fortunate?

I just opened my copy of Missions Mosaic which features my article giving directions and suggestions for an outreach project using stuffed shirts. I was so happy to see this article in print. I loved being able to take some of the photos included in the magazine. So DON’T be a stuffed shirt, give one instead!


I have one copy of the October issue of Missions Mosaic that I will give to one reader. To enter the drawing:

1. Comment below. Tell me one way you have helped someone else. I’ll put all names in a hat. Drawing closes Sunday, October 6, at 4:00 (PST).

2. I’d love it if you would follow my blog or my Facebook author page, but that is not required.

3. If you do indeed stuff a shirt, snap a photo before you give it away and share it with us!

***Drawing limited to US residents.

Missions Mosaic is a monthly magazine featuring articles about faith, missions, missionaries, and ideas for believers to use to get to know and help those in their communities. Visit Woman’s Missionary Union  for information on how to subscribe to Missions Mosaic.
