Love, Laughter, and Life

Adventures With a Book Lover

Book Share: The Strongest Thing, When Home Feels Hard by Hallee Adelman


The Strongest Thing, When Home Feels Hard

Written by Hallee Adelman

Illustrated by Rea Zhai

Albert Whitman & Company, 2022

Last May I won a book on Kathy Temean’s Writing and Illustrating blog. The book was The Strongest Thing, When Home Feels Hard. Wow! The topic is TOUGH, and Hallee handled it with the greatest of care. Thank you, Hallee, for sharing your picture book with me!

Book Description:

A sensitive, hopeful story about breaking the cycle of bullying and abuse.

Sera doesn’t always like being at home, where her dad’s anger feels like the strongest thing. School feels better. But when Sera gets into an argument with a friend and finds herself acting like the bully at home, she discovers that the strongest thing isn’t loud or angry at all.

Why I liked this book:

~the story is strong, captivating, and hopeful, and is written with sensitivity

~the subject matter is tough, but for those kids (and perhaps adults!) who need it, it can be a doorway to discussion

~the illustrations fit just right for the subject matter

~the book would be perfect for counselors and therapist who work with children and families

Note: I would advise adults to pre-read The Strongest Thing, When Home Feels Hard BEFORE sharing it with children. Some parts might be triggering or scary.

Thank you, Hallee and Rea, for putting this book out in the world!

You can learn more about Hallee’s books on her website.

Author: Angie

I live with my husband and crazy kitty. Much of my time is spent writing, reading, and playing with the grands. You can usually find me sipping tea or coffee, nibbling on dark chocolate, and contemplating what to plant next in the garden. If not those pursuits, then I am probably trying to figure out how to cook and live in an RV, creating cards with rubber stamps, walking, hiking, or out snapping photos with my camera.

2 thoughts on “Book Share: The Strongest Thing, When Home Feels Hard by Hallee Adelman

  1. Looks like a lovely book. It’s sad the world needs books on this subject, but it so does!

    Liked by 1 person

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